– mish mash of psychedelic ideals

11:11 November 11, 2009

Filed under: .All THINGS LOVELY. — twentyonepurplehorses @ 00:16
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someone told me that 11:11 means someone’s thinkin of you. i’d like to think that Daddy God is thinkin of me; albeit exceptionally – when i see 11:11.

i need to remind myself of this today.

i saw a guy’s tee that read – “even impossible reads I’M POSSIBLE.” wow.

and i’m still workin on my other blog. wish i had more time to do so. aye :)

and i still wanna go to this shop that i saw at far east the other day.

and am looking forward to meeting lovely people at tonight’s meeting!

xoxo Jesus’ beloved.


5 Responses to “11:11”

  1. Majimo Says:

    Can I just ask, who was it that mentioned the thing about 11:11.

    Since, my teenage years, this 11:11 has been appearing in strange places and whenever I mentioned it to people they brushed me of as coincidence. I have always believed that it is a blessing. So whenever I see the clock showing 11:11, it was in a sense God tell me you are going the right way. I dunno why but I have!!

    I am amazed that someone else has it same “encounter” with these numbers. I have always wanted to get my car’s license plate as 1111. But after a while I thought it was silly.

    If fact, I believed for a long long time that this is the time that my first child will be born, I have forgotten about that until now. Let’s see!!

    • twentyonepurplehorses Says:

      the thing is – i cannot remember! because it’s been awhile already, not as long as yours aka teenage years but prolly a few years now. and i love 11:11 too. cool. 22 means light so 11 means? do u know what it means biblically though?

  2. Majimo Says:

    Super slow me, thought this was a random post as I did not realize that to is the 11th day of 11th month.

  3. Majimo Says:

    Not too sure. Neither do I know what which number means but

    Deu11:11 But the land which you are entering to possess it is a land of hills and valleys, drinking water from the rain of heavens.

    This verse of rather this passage strikes a chord in me. I believe that we (MSKJ) will be moving into a house that we did not build, a land flowing with milk and honey and eat from trees we did not plant and drink water from wells we did not dig.

    I believe that Jesus will be providing us with such a place very soon.

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